Mettle and Ice
Check back in for updates
The title is here, the cover is coming. Watch this space for updates and developments as the publishing journey progresses.
Thursday 6th March
My draft for Mettle and Ice is in the mystical land of Canada, I hope it likes it up there.
I can't wait to get it back and be able to gain new insights into my work, my writing in general, and be able to use what I learn to improve everything else I do.
For now I am back into A Peace of Violence and am excited to send Barduk off on his next adventure.
The Chronicles of Barduk will be a series of linked but non-contiguous stories. The aim is that you will be able to pick one up and get in on the action anywhere, no matter whether you've read one before (like Discworld but with a grumpy prick as a protagonist (so kind of like some of the Discworld)).
Wednesday 26th February
Last night I finished my read through and touch up of my draft. Draft 5.1 is now ready to be sent off to a developmental editor. I am looking forward to working with Allison Alexander on the project. They have an availability in March and expect to have the book back to me in April. Once that is done, the next thing is to action the changes required and hopefully I will end up with my final piece.
Currently the to do list has moved to A Peace of Violence, and working on the cover for Mettle and Ice.
I, like Homer Simpson, am already tired of the waiting game and would much rather be playing Hungry, Hungry, Hippos.
It's all excitement on my end, as I am eager to keep things rolling.
Monday 10th
I have been behind the pace I would like to maintain lately. School is back and I have a new cohort of amazing students to coordinate which means learning names, developing IEPs and all the other tasks needed to allow these amazing young people to have a safe and welcoming place to learn.
As of today, I am currently 20% of the way through one final read through and polish of my draft before I send it off to a developmental editor. Then the real fun begins.
I am also a few thousand words into my next project.
At this point, I might just start a progress bar like Brandy Sandy does.